Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Long Days Ahead....

The long days of winter are soon to be here.
I am trying to surround myself with as much color as possible.
soon the ground will be a stark white canvas.

This will be my girls first winter in a new place,
I hope they enjoy it.
Things are way different here..

so I guess for the next few months I will snuggle up in our new
little den, and dream of flowers.
Maybe I will create my own spring..

stay warm my little feathered friends.
I promise I will put some seeds out for you!

Heres to our blank canvas!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


I finally have my OWN space to create!!
do you ever wake up some morning and cant believe what comes out of your mouth? too

 and you think "I should have stayed in bed"? too

 well lion up and smile!!!

 cause the world keeps spinning

 the stars keep shining

 and the birds keep singing

 "Pear" with it
and keep moving forward...
I'll come with you!

Friday, October 7, 2011

i want to create a space for myself
but im on a budget.....
maybe someday I'll end up with a space like this...

this seems easy enough...
its not as though space is an issue
but i almost wish it was!!

organization is definantly NOT my strong suit!!

maybe this is what I need to hide my mess?!?!

Oh for the love of petey this one is perfect!!!
inspiration found!
creativity ingnited!